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Why Your WiFi is Slow


Why is Your WiFi Slow?

Slow Wi-Fi can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you're trying to get work done or up against a deadline. In this blog post, we'll detail some common reasons for slow internet speeds, and provide some workarounds and solutions to help you get back up to speed.

Incorrect Internet Product: Broadband vs Direct Internet Access

When it comes to internet connectivity, not all products are created equal. Let's compare the two most common products, broadband and direct internet access.

Outdated Network Kit

Old Network Kit can significantly impact your speeds. Consider when was the last time you upgraded your switching, firewalls, and access points? We recommend replacing them every 5-8 years, depending on your usage.

If your kit is brand new, it's worth thinking about the placement of your router and access points. Consider them centrally to ensure better coverage. Avoid obstructions like walls or shelves that could weaken the signal. Open-plan offices will generally have better coverage due to fewer barriers between the desks.

Bandwidth Hogs

Certain devices or programmes can hog bandwidth, slowing down your entire network. Here's how to tackle this:

In summary, slow WiFi can result from a varied range of factors, including outdated equipment, network congestion, and bandwidth hungry devices. Consider upgrading to faster or more appropriate internet plans, optimising your network kit, and managing bandwidth usage. Remember that reliable internet is absolutely critical to business operations, so make sure to future-proof your set up when you do upgrade.

Mason Infotech help business to find the best business broadband deals in the UK. We are one of the country's most trusted business broadband companies, and have been helping to set up business WiFi for over 20 years. So next time you find yourself asking 'Why is my WiFi slow', reach out to a trusted business internet provider like Mason Infotech.

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