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How to Tackle Technical Debt


What is Technical Debt?

Technical debt refers to the implied cost of additional work caused by choosing an easy, limited solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. It's akin to financial debt: you incur it to get immediate benefits, but it accrues interest over time, making it more expensive and complicated to resolve later.

How Technical Debt Accumulates.

Several scenarios can lead to the accumulation of technical debt:

1. Rushed Process. In a bid to meet a short term goal, businesses may take shortcuts, like purchasing innapropriate machinery or software. While this may expedite immediate needs, it can create issues for long-term maintenance.

2. Lack of Documentation. Proper documentation is often overlooked to save time. This makes future support and troubleshooting more difficult, which increases the time and effort required to make changes.

3. Inconsistent Practice. Different business leaders may have implemented different practices over time, leading to inconsistent inventories or policies which leads to confusion further down the line.

The Impact of Technical Debt.

The cost of technical debt can be significant, but can go unnoticed.

1. Reduced Efficiency. Over time, the burden of technical debt can slow down business processes and make maintenance more cumbersome. This can reduce the overall efficiency of your IT operations.

2. Higher Costs. Just like financial debt, technical debt incurs "interest" in the form of increased maintenance costs and a less effective security posture.

3. Increased Risk. Technical debt can lead to a higher risk of cyber incidents, posing significant threats to the business.

4. Employee Morale. Working with poorly designed systems can be frustrating for IT staff, leading to decreased morale and higher turnover rates.

Managing Technical Debt with Mason Infotech's Managed IT Support

Managing technical debt requires a proactive and strategic approach. This is where Managed IT Support services from Mason Infotech come into play. Here’s how a managed service IT provider can help:

1. Regular Audits. Managed services IT providers like Mason Infotech perform regular audits of your IT infrastructure to identify areas where technical debt is accumulating. These audits help in creating a roadmap for addressing and mitigating technical debt.

2. Strategic Planning. Our fully managed IT services can assist in strategic planning to ensure that immediate business needs are met without compromising long-term stability. They can help in balancing the trade-off between speed and quality.

3. Documentation and Best Practice. Managed service IT providers like us ensure that proper documentation and best practices are followed, reducing the likelihood of accumulating technical debt.

4. Continuous Monitoring. By continuously monitoring your IT systems, managed services IT providers like us can detect and address issues before they escalate, preventing the accumulation of further technical debt.

Technical debt is an inevitable part of any IT landscape, but it's impact can be managed effectively with the right strategies and support. Managed IT support services from Mason Infotech play a crucial role in identifying, addressing, and mitigating technical debt, ensuring your IT infrastructure remains robust. Get started by speaking to our experts today.

Tackle your Technical Debt

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