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How To Prepare Your Business for AI


AI promises to deliver opportunities for SMEs to find efficiencies across their entire business, from finance and operations through to sales and marketing. However, adopting AI tools isn't as simple as buying a tool off-the-shelf and plugging it into your workflows. It's important to make sure your business is well-prepared to take advantage of the opportunities AI presents securely, without unexpected setbacks. Here’s a guide on how to prepare your business for AI, particularly if you’re a small to medium-sized business exploring AI for SME applications.

Firstly, you'll need to assess your AI readiness, in order to understand where you currently stand. An AI readiness assessment helps you identify your business’s current capabilities, data infrastructure, and resources to determine whether you’re ready to implement AI effectively.

Consider the following factors:

Conducting a comprehensive AI readiness assessment can help pinpoint gaps in these areas, allowing you to create a roadmap for improvements before you start implementing AI solutions.

It's also important to identify some clear objectives for what you want AI to do. You can't just turn an AI on and hope for efficiencies. So set some very clear examples of what you'd like to achieve, like improved customer experiences, deeper data insights, or faster, automatic processes.

If you choose to use AI, you'll be handling and processing huge amounts of data. Start by organising and centralising your data so that it's easily accessible and analysable. Ensure that your data is complete, accurate, and up-to-date, as high-quality data will result in better AI outcomes. Once it's complete, focus on securing it. Make sure your network, databases, and cloud platforms are well-secured to prevent unauthorised access, and be aware of any additional data regulations that apply to your business in particular. This is particularly important if your AI apps involve customer or otherwise sensitive information.

Finally, train your team. ducate your employees on AI’s potential and hoEw it will impact their work. Provide training on how to use AI tools and analyze AI-generated insights. Cultivating an AI-friendly culture will make adoption smoother, as employees understand the value AI can bring to their roles and the business as a whole.

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