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7 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes & How To Avoid Them


Contrary to popular belief, SMEs are prime targets for cybercriminals. This is due to perceived vulnerabilities and less robust security measures, as well as fewer resources being able to fix any gaps in a business's security posture. Understanding and avoiding common cybersecurity mistakes can significantly enhance your SME network security. Below, we list seven common cybersecurity mistakes SMEs make, and give some practical steps to avoid them.

1. Neglecting Regular Security Updates

Many SMEs fail to keep their software, systems, and applications updated. Outdated software can have unpatched vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit. We recommend that businesses implement a regular update schedule for all software and systems. Utilise automated update features whenever possible to ensure all devices and applications are current. Managed security service providers like Mason Infotech can assist in maintaining regular updates, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities.

2. Weak Password Policies

Using weak passwords and not enforcing regular password changes can make your network an easy target for attackers. To avoid this, businesses should implement strong password policies that require complex, unique passwords. Enforce regular password changes and use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security. Educate employees on the importance of password security and best practices.

3. Lack of Employee Training

Employees are often the weakest link in cybersecurity. Without proper training, they may fall victim to phishing scams or other social engineering attacks. Conduct regular cybersecurity training sessions to educate employees on recognising phishing emails, suspicious links, and other common cyber threats. Training should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event.

4. Inadequate Network Security

Failing to secure your network properly can leave it vulnerable to attacks. This includes not using firewalls, improper network segmentation, and weak Wi-Fi security. Invest in robust SME network security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure Wi-Fi protocols. Segment your network to limit access and reduce the spread of potential threats. Partnering with a managed security service provider like us will ensure your network is properly secured and monitored.

5. Ignoring Data Backup and Recovery

Not having a reliable data backup and recovery plan can be disastrous in the event of a ransomware attack or other data loss incidents. Put a comprehensive data backup strategy in place that includes regular backups stored both on-site and off-site. Ensure that your backup solution allows for quick recovery to minimise downtime. Test your backup and recovery processes regularly to ensure they work as expected.

6. Underestimating the Importance of Cyber Insurance

Many SMEs overlook the importance of cyber insurance, believing they are too small to be targeted or that their current measures are sufficient. Invest in SME cyber insurance to protect your business from the financial fallout of a cyber attack. Cyber insurance can cover costs related to data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber incidents. Consult with Mason Infotech's cyber security experts to understand the best coverage for your specific needs.

7. Not Using Managed Security Services

SMEs often believe they can handle cybersecurity internally, even without the necessary expertise and resources. Partner with a managed security service provider like Mason Infotech to leverage our expertise and resources. Managed cyber security services offer continuous monitoring, threat detection, and response, ensuring your business is protected around the clock. This partnership allows you to focus on your core business activities while leaving cybersecurity to the experts.

Cybersecurity is a complex and evolving challenge, especially for SMEs with limited resources. However, by avoiding these common mistakes and implementing robust security measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of cyber attacks.

Ensure your software is always updated, enforce strong password policies, train your employees regularly, and invest in solid network security solutions. Don’t neglect data backup and recovery plans, consider SME cyber insurance, and take advantage of managed cyber security services for comprehensive protection.

By addressing these key areas, SMEs can build a resilient cybersecurity posture, protecting their valuable data and maintaining the trust of their customers. Engage with cyber security experts to develop a tailored security strategy that meets your business’s unique needs.

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