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5 Questions to Ask Before Upgrading Your Business Internet


Whether your team is working remotely, managing cloud services, or interacting with customers online, the speed, reliability, and security of your business internet can make or break your business. With technology constantly evolving, many businesses find themselves needing to upgrade their internet to keep up with increasing demands.

But before you jump into a new contract or invest in upgraded infrastructure, it’s important to make sure you’re asking the right questions. Here are five essential questions to ask before upgrading your business internet.

1. What Is Your Current Usage?

Before upgrading your business broadband, the first step is to assess your current usage and needs. This involves understanding how your employees are using the internet and what kind of bandwidth your business needs to function efficiently. If you’ve recently expanded your team, adopted new cloud services, or experienced slow connection speeds during peak hours, it may be time for an upgrade.

Common factors to consider include:

Understanding your current internet load will help you pinpoint what type of upgrade is necessary, whether it’s increasing your bandwidth, opting for a leased line, or improving your business wifi.

2. What Speed Do You Actually Need?

It’s easy to assume that faster speeds are always better, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Depending on the size of your business and how you use the internet, you may not need the highest available speeds. However, having insufficient speed can lead to poor performance, which can affect productivity and customer satisfaction.

Start by calculating the bandwidth your business needs based on the number of users and the type of tasks they perform online. For example, video conferencing, large file transfers, and cloud storage access require more bandwidth than simple web browsing or email.

If you’re a small business with 5-10 employees, a standard business broadband package may be enough. But if your company is growing, and you rely on internet-heavy tasks like data transfer or VoIP calls, a leased line might be the best option. A leased line offers a dedicated internet connection with guaranteed speeds, which is especially beneficial for companies that can’t afford any downtime or slow connections.

3. Is Your Network Infrastructure Up to Date?

Upgrading your internet isn’t just about choosing a faster connection; your internal network infrastructure needs to be able to support it. Even with high-speed business broadband, outdated routers, switches, or cabling can create bottlenecks, leading to poor network performance.

It’s a good idea to review your current network setup to ensure it can handle the new internet speeds. For instance, if you’re upgrading to fibre optic or a leased line, you might need to replace older networking equipment. Ensuring your business wifi is modern and efficient is equally important for companies that rely on wireless connections.

4. Do You Need More Reliable Connectivity?

If your business experiences regular internet outages or your connection slows down during busy periods, reliability may be a bigger issue than speed. Downtime can lead to lost productivity and revenue, especially if your operations depend on continuous online access.

Upgrading to a more reliable connection, like a leased line, can provide guaranteed uptime and speeds, as you won’t be sharing bandwidth with other businesses. Leased lines come with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that ensure prompt repairs in the event of an outage, offering peace of mind for companies that rely heavily on a stable connection.

5. What Security Features are Included?

Upgrading your business internet should also mean upgrading your network security. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and small businesses are increasingly becoming targets. When upgrading your internet, it’s important to ensure that your provider offers advanced security features like firewalls, VPNs, and network monitoring to protect against cyberattacks.

In addition to basic security measures, consider adding an extra layer of protection such as DDoS protection and managed security services. These can help safeguard your business’s sensitive data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR.

Upgrading your business internet is a crucial step in ensuring your company’s productivity and growth. By asking the right questions and assessing your business’s needs, you can choose the best solution that will keep your team connected, your data secure, and your operations running smoothly. Whether it’s increasing your bandwidth, switching to a leased line, or upgrading your business wifi, a well-informed decision can help your business thrive in today’s digital landscape.

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